

Tax Day, April Showers, and Youth Action

Tax Day! I recently came across these lines from one of the first newsletters I sent out, just prior to my first session in the legislature:


Passing The House Budget

Every year, we take up the annual Budget Adjustment Act (BAA), which is generally a “true-up” of the current fiscal year’s budget. The bill also directs any additional and available funds to support one-time needs on priorities that cannot wait for the deliberations and passage of the next state fiscal year’s budget. (Vermont’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.)


Bills on the Floor

In the last couple weeks we’ve started to see bills coming to the floor! For every bill I tell you about, there are at least two others that I’m not going into detail on. If you want to track everything passing the house you can head here, but here are some of my favorites that are now headed to the Senate:


February Newsletter

Tomorrow (Monday) I’m going to join leadership from the Agency of Natural Resources and the Agency of Commerce for a brief event at Glen Park (59 Glen Street, Brattleboro, VT.) to celebrate the investments we’ve begun in our state’s mobile home infrastructure.


Start of 2023-24 Session

The session started on Wednesday with a great deal of ceremony and collegiality. We have almost a third of the legislature coming in with fresh, and it is such a pleasure to see their awe and inspiration and help them find their way.

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